Paul Rhoder with the Tim Gittings trophy


AJS Labels has awarded the Tim Gittings trophy to ink technician Paul Rhoder. Over the past five months, he has worked closely with ink supplier Paragon, taking a key role in developing the label printer’s new ink management system.

‘Paul was a standout candidate to win the Tim Gittings trophy this month,’ said managing director, Andrew Scrimgeour. ‘His commitment and perseverance to this challenging project has been impressive. It’s great to see all his hard work really starting to pay off.’

He continued, ‘The new system is having a big impact on our ink utilisation and colour management in terms of both quality and financial results.’

‘The ink project has been hard work,’ said Mr Rhoder, ‘but with the support of everyone on the shop floor, it’s really taking off. I’m very pleased to have won the trophy; it will take pride of place in our cabinet along with my daughter’s dance trophies!’

Mr Rhoder joined AJS eight years ago having worked as a quality inspector at COSi, which manufactures make-up and personal care products for Body Shop. Five years later, Mr Rhoder moved into the pre-press department where he learned the skills of plate and screen making before taking up the ink management challenge.

This is the fifth month that the commemorative trophy has been handed out to the company’s employees.