Following the move to a new factory, Label Apeel has launched a new venture. Owner Stuart Kellock said he had been dreaming about starting a complementary business for some time. After much consideration, the decision fell on a design and brand agency, which has been named Shuck Design and is aimed at helping customers to develop innovative packaging and branding.

Mr Kellock has grown Label Apeel into a leading label printer with a turnover of £4 million. He appointed Amy Chambers as manager director in October 2014, so he could concentrate on extending the company portfolio. Supported by a small team of graphic designers, he will head up Shuck Design himself.

‘We recognise the mercurial mix required for great design that combines innovation, creativity and commercial sense. Shuck will be able to deliver fabulous design that makes your heart sing. All of this is done in a way that is financially transparent and working to agreed budgets,’ Mr Kellock explained.

The new design arm has already delivered one successful project for Kelham Brewery, and is now working on another brewery and a spirits project.

‘We believe that there is space in the market for a focused design and brand housethat is backed with print expertise and a clear understanding of what works on shelf,’ he concluded.