Packaging Innovations opened its doors to guests as the two day packaging show began, full to the brim with seminars and learning theatres.

The two day event kicked off with a panel discussion focused on the future of flexographic printing in the packaging sector, looking at trends and innovation. On the panel was Alan Coker, Creation Reprographics, Christopher Ellison OPM Labels, Paul Horton, Learoyd Packaging ltd and John Bambery, BPIF Labels led by FlexoTech editor, Neel Madsen.

The discussion looked at a range of issues from the ways of keeping costs down to the importance of training within the industry. Mr Bambery said, ‘So many times a company will spend hundreds of thousands of pounds on new machinery, only to run it exactly the same way as the old technology, simply because that is the only way they know how to do it.’

As the day progressed there were also seminars from retail giants Asda and Tesco, where their view of the packaging chain could be heard. Paul Earnshaw, packaging manager, Tesco, said, ‘The battle ground has shifted to the kitchen cupboard. More focus needs to be put on a products ‘home experience’.’

A presentation from Stefan Casey, innovation manager from the Faraday Centre for Retail Excellence, looked at how eco friendly products can still be used to enhance the brand image with innovative features. Mr Casey said, ‘Eco friendly products are one of the areas that consumers are interested in and expect brands to have a responsible attitude towards sustainability.’