RadTech has named PepsiCo as one of this year’s Emerging Technology Award winners, in honour of its work with electron beam technology in food packaging.
RadTech is the non-profit trade association for ultraviolet (UV) and electron beam (EB) curing. Its Emerging Technology Awards sees winner chosen among end users of the technology, based on new, promising and/or novel use of UV and/or EB. RadTech has also now partnered with the International Ultraviolet Association (IUVA), broadening the scope of the awards to entries for disinfection and public health applications.
As consumers, NGOs and governments worldwide continue to seek innovative options for the development of a circular economy, RadTech noted PepsiCo as ‘leading the way’ by working with the flexible packaging supply chain to develop advanced materials and processes for food packaging. Specifically, the company is exploring EB curing, as a fast, clean and energy efficient way to dry inks, coatings and adhesives used to produce flexible packaging. Todd Fayne, a PepsiCo project management and execution specialist for packaging materials and processes, has engaged the EB community and RadTech, to deliver expertise and knowledge to assist the industry in advancing food packaging sustainability efforts.
allnex’s Eileen Weber, who currently serves as RadTech president, said, ‘These awards represent not only developments in UV and EB technology, but significant global advancements in manufacturing and technology. ‘From health care, to electronics, to food, beverage and water, UV and EB are increasingly becoming vital tools in new product and process development.’
As well as food packaging, innovations in dental additive manufacturing, eye surgery, semiconductors and water disinfection were named as RadTech/IUVA 2020 Emerging Technology Award winners.
RadTech has also recently named those in the aRadLaunch Start-up Technology Accelerator Class of 2020, including a project for monitoring and controlling monomer conversion during UV curing.
Read more about the latest developments in curing in the January/February issue of Digital Labels & Packaging; register here to receive all six issues in 2020, and beyond, for free