Three of HP’s beta customers: All4Labels, Eshuis, and Nordvalls, have acquired an additional Indigo V12 digital press.

According to HP the decision to invest in multiple V12 presses is due to it earning power – allowing the replacement of multiple flexo with a single V12, saving time, labour and waste.

Peter Overbeek, CEO of Ehsuis, said, ‘What’s great about the V12 is that it makes the whole site more efficient by moving jobs we used to print on flexo or other HP Indigo presses and optimizes them on the V12. This way we can allocate each job to the press that fits it best.’

The V12 can reach 120m/min for mid-and-long run jobs, increasing productivity whilst allowing users to control the press, and manage production, all while providing digital quality assurance. The press uses LEPx technology built upon the HP Indigo LEP technology maintaining the same versatility and print quality in high speed. The LEPx is enabling label converters to profitably produce longer runs and many more jobs a day with variable graphics and content, LEPx also reduces labour costs, waste, and energy consumption.

Patrik Jenemark, CEO of Nordvalls, commented, ‘Earlier this year, I said that growth is part of Nordvalls’ DNA. Investing in our second HP Indigo V12 in less than six months represents our commitment to advancing digital printing technology and our conversion from flexo to digital.’

Outlined by HP, the press enables brands to meet sustainability goals by boosting the circular economy with end-to-end solutions that support product recyclability and responsibly sourced media, like FSC certified, PCW, compostable. Additionally, by implementing just-in-time production for medium and long runs avoid inventory obsolescence and reduce production waste.

The installation of the HP Indigo V12 enhances productivity which can be even further optimised with E2E solutions like ABG’s nonstop winding solution that allows label converters to increase the print efficiency of the HP Indigo V12 by 12%-25% and reduce the need for human touch, said HP.