Hybrid Software, developer of innovative productivity tools for packaging and label printing, has announced support for Canon’s upcoming LabelStream LS2000 digital label press.

Version 10 of Hybrid Software’s PACKZ all-in-one PDF editor for packaging prepress supports the direct interface to the LabelStream LS2000 digital press.  PACKZ 10, as well as the full portfolio of Hybrid Software solutions for labels and packaging, will be on display in Booth 3015 at Labelexpo Americas 2024.

The direct interface for the upcoming LabelStream LS2000 press was co-developed by Hybrid Software to Canon’s specification and supports features of the new press. By integrating the interface directly into PACKZ, the LabelStream LS2000 can be driven directly by operators who have Version 10 of PACKZ that are in use worldwide. 

Patrick Coussement, CTO of Hybrid Software, comments, ‘PACKZ serves two key roles in prepress for labels and packaging.  Operators first edit the PDF artwork representing a single one-up label to make sure that the colours are mapped correctly to the printing inks, bleeds and technical marks are correct, variable data fields are linked, and to make any other changes required for outstanding output.’

‘Next, a step-and-repeat layout is applied to the one-up label to create a print-ready PDF file that maximises coverage of the substrate and fits the artwork correctly to downstream cutting dies and finishing equipment. It’s a natural extension of PACKZ to support direct output to the LabelStream LS2000 press, and an efficient workflow for our mutual customers.’

There are currently 6,000 copies of PACKZ.